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XM Satellite Radio Broadcast Studios / Washington, DC
NCC designed 86 studios for the largest broadcast facility on the planet.  No one else can make that claim.

XM Satellite Radio Performance Studio & Control Room / Washington, DC
With a capacity for 60 musicians, and a height over two stories, this is the largest completely floating modular studio ever built.  And it sounds even better than it looks!

Click on the image to test-drive the XM Studio Facility on your video player
Although designed before the turn of the century,  the XM innovations were so advanced, they remain on the cutting edge of technology even today.

WIBC - WNAP - WENS / Indianapolis, Indiana
Let the sun shine in!  And so it does on Monument Circle at the heart of metropolitan Indianapolis.  These Emmis Broadcasting showcase studios remain open to fans and spectators, but not to intrusive traffic and pedestrian noise.

Effanel Thumbnail Effanel Music / New York City
This is one of the best applications of Pre-engineered Modular Recording Studio Components, designed by NCC to provide a silent yet musically pleasing backdrop for acoustic digital recordings.

WQNJ-THM.gif (25704 bytes)   WBBO, Manahawkin / New Jersey
Using Pre-engineered Studio Construction Technolgy, Nassau Broadcasting was able to meet their time and budget constrains by constructing the studios from NCC designs in only two weeks.

WQXR-THM.gif (30031 bytes)  WQXR/WQEW / New York City
The superb acoustics of this modular live performance studio permit a single room to host the normally divergent requirements of chamber music and talk programming at the same time.  It could well be the sweetest and quietest room in the city.

WPST-THM.gif (26173 bytes)   WPST/WNJO/WTTM / Princeton, New Jersey
NCC has developed a system of WYSIWYG studio construction that eliminates virtually all of the human error that occurs between the design intent and the finished facility.   Combining CAD (Computer Aided Design) with the controlled factory fabrication of all critical studio components is approaching the simplicity manufacturing directly from a data diskette.  For example, the same computer files that generated this image of WPST were used by the manufacturer to fabricate all of the control room's acoustical components.



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